Friday, April 30, 2010

Join us for a "Brick" Workout on Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 7 a.m.

This is Lesa, Donna, Michelle, Laura and Lynn T. at a May 9, 2009 brick workout last year.  We basically bike for 10 miles and then as soon as we dismount our bikes, we start running around the track.  This is fantastic training to get your quad muscles ready for the race!  I've heard this workout called "brick" because your legs feel like bricks after the bike, but I'm sure there's a more sophisticated description.

Please take the poll to the left (if you viewed this blog before tomorrow morning).  It's anonymous and informative for me and Gary and Michelle who may show you the route.

Anyone receiving this blog who wants to join in on the run/walk around the track is welcomed!  Our attitude is "the more the merrier" and you don't have to be signed up for a triathlon to join in.  The wonderful thing about a track is that everyone can go at their own pace!


  1. Thanks, Lesa. Gary and Michelle are unable to make it, so I will be there to take pix and lead the way (via map or car) if you're unable to make it. :-)

  2. Great post! How do you remember that we did this on May 9th last year!? Sorry I will miss it - out of town - looking forward to the next one. I love the survey!

  3. My pictures are dated when I rename was interesting to see that we were biking outside in April last year....I wasn't sure 'cause Marathon Monday morning was below 32 degrees last year...I did 6 miles and froze without gloves...
